We are here to help with broken bones

Fractures – Understanding Broken Bones and When to Seek Care

At Afterhours Urgent Care Center, we know breaking a bone can be a startling and often painful experience that requires immediate attention.

Over about 5 weeks, the body joins the 2 bone portions together with a combination of fibrous cells and cartilage. This temporary bone (callus) is not as strong as real bone.

When to Visit Afterhours Urgent Care

Deciding where to seek treatment for a fracture depends on several key factors:

Severity and Type of the Fracture

  • Open, complete, and significantly painful fractures should be treated as emergencies. Afterhours Urgent Care can manage many such cases, but the most severe scenarios may require an ER visit.
  • Closed, partial, and stress fractures are well within the scope of care provided at Afterhours Urgent Care, where we offer diagnostic imaging and treatment.

Location of the Fracture

  • Fractures in sensitive or critical areas such as the pelvis, spine, or skull may require specialized emergency care.
  • Limb fractures, fingers, toes, and other non-life-threatening injuries can typically be treated at Afterhours Urgent Care.

Age and Overall Health

  • Children and the elderly, who may face complications more readily, can receive careful evaluation and treatment at Afterhours Urgent Care.
  • Adults with straightforward fracture cases will find efficient and effective care with us.

Accompanying Injuries

  • If the fracture is part of a multi-injury trauma, an ER visit might be necessary. However, isolated fractures without additional serious injuries are treatable at Afterhours Urgent Care.
Bone Fractures:

The human body is resilient, yet vulnerable to forces that exceed the strength of our bones. From sports injuries to slips and falls, the risk of fracturing a bone is a part of daily life. Understanding the types of fractures and knowing when to seek medical care are crucial steps toward healing and recovery.

Types of Fractures

Fractures come in various forms, each with its own level of severity and required treatment approach:

  • Closed Fractures:
    The bone breaks but does not penetrate the skin.
  • Open (Compound) Fractures:
    The broken bone pierces the skin, increasing the risk of infection.
  • Complete Fractures:
    The bone snaps into two or more parts.
  • Partial Fractures:
    The bone cracks but does not break all the way through.
  • Stress Fractures:
    Small cracks in the bone, often caused by overuse.

Immediate Care at Afterhours Urgent Care

For any fracture, taking immediate steps to immobilize the area and applying ice can significantly aid in pain management and swelling reduction until professional medical care is received. Over-the-counter pain relief can also be beneficial.

Comprehensive Fracture Care After Hours

At Afterhours Urgent Care, we’re committed to providing high-quality, convenient, and timely medical attention for fractures during the hours when most other facilities are closed. Our state-of-the-art digital imaging technology aids in the accurate diagnosis of various types of fractures. From the initial assessment through to treatment recommendations and follow-up, our dedicated healthcare professionals are here to ensure your or your loved one’s swift and effective recovery.

No appointment is necessary. We understand that injuries don’t adhere to a schedule, which is why our doors are open beyond traditional hours, ready to serve you when you need it most. Trust Afterhours Urgent Care for all your fracture care needs, where timely treatment meets quality care.

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Other services we offer

Illness Services:

Emergencies don’t stick to a standard schedule – and neither do illnesses.

Wellness and Prevention:

At Afterhours Urgent Care Center, we believe in proactive health.

Pediatric Urgent Care:

Urgent Pediatric care available, in the hours it matters most.

Injury Services:

Accidents don’t announce their arrival, but when they happen…

Work-Related Services:

Workplace and medical challenges tackled with ease.