Addressing HFMD in Children and Adults

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) Care at Afterhours Urgent Care Center

Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common viral infection, particularly in young children, though adults can be affected too. It’s more prevalent when kids return to school or are in daycare settings. At Afterhours Urgent Care Center, we’re here to support your family through this illness with compassionate care and expert advice.

HFMD can sometimes involve more than just the hands, feet, and mouth. In some cases, it can cause rashes on other parts of the body, such as the buttocks or legs.
Understanding Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

HFMD is characterized by distinct symptoms, including a rash of small red dots on the hands and feet, mouth sores, and sometimes in the diaper area. The virus spreads easily through sneezing, coughing, or saliva, particularly in close-contact environments like schools and daycares. While generally not serious, HFMD can cause discomfort. There’s no specific treatment for the virus itself, but symptoms can be managed effectively.

Preventing HFMD
Prevention revolves around basic hygiene practices:

  • Frequent Handwashing:
    Essential after eating, coughing, or sneezing.
  • Regular Disinfection:
    Clean toys and shared spaces, especially if HFMD is present.
  • Avoiding Close Contact:
    With those infected and keeping children with HFMD at home until fever-free.
Recognizing the Symptoms of HFMD

The symptoms of HFMD can vary but typically include:

  • Early Signs: Fever and loss of appetite, followed by a sore throat.

  • Progression: After a day or two, painful sores may develop in the mouth, and a rash appears on the hands and feet.

  • Dehydration Risk: Mouth sores can make swallowing painful, particularly for children under 3, leading to dehydration.

It’s important to note that some children may exhibit mild or no symptoms but can still transmit the virus.

Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches
Our medical professionals diagnose HFMD through physical examination and patient history. In some cases, lab testing may be conducted. While there’s no specific treatment for the virus, we focus on alleviating symptoms:

  • Pain and Fever Management:
    Over-the-counter medications can help. Consult with our healthcare providers for appropriate recommendations.
  • Mouth Pain Relief:
    Specialized over-the-counter treatments are available, but caution is advised, especially with young children.
  • Hydration and Rest:
    Keeping hydrated is crucial, and rest aids in recovery.
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Other services we offer

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Wellness and Prevention:

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Pediatric Urgent Care:

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Injury Services:

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Work-Related Services:

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