Is it a fracture or a bruise?

X-Ray Services at Afterhours Urgent Care Center

At Afterhours Urgent Care Center, we provide comprehensive digital X-ray services on a walk-in basis, blending convenience with the latest technology. Our facilities are equipped to handle a wide range of diagnostic needs for patients six months and older, ensuring you receive the care you need when you need it most.

Based on Data From 2023, About 525,000 fractures occur each month in the United States.

Understanding X-Rays

Diagnosing an ear infection involves a thorough examination by our medical professionals. We use otoscopes to look inside the ears, and pneumatic otoscopy might be employed to check for fluid behind the eardrum. Understanding the symptoms and physical examination findings helps us to make an accurate diagnosis.

What Conditions Do We Diagnose with X-Rays?

Our state-of-the-art digital X-ray technology assists in diagnosing various medical conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Bone Fractures: Including specific areas like the skull, pelvis, hips, and extremities.

  • Joint Issues: Such as osteoarthritis and injuries to the rotator cuff.

    • Chest and Lung Conditions: Including pneumonia and pleural effusion.
    • Abdominal Concerns: Such as kidney stones.

X-Ray Services at Afterhours Urgent Care Center

X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, akin to visible light but with higher energy. They pass through the body to create images of its internal structure, helping diagnose a multitude of health issues efficiently.

Digital vs. Traditional X-Rays: The evolution from film-based to digital radiography (DR) represents a leap in medical imaging. Digital X-rays offer several advantages over their traditional counterparts:

  • Reduced Radiation Exposure: Digital X-ray systems use up to 80% less radiation.
  • Enhanced Image Quality: Digital sensors produce clearer, sharper images for a more accurate diagnosis.
  • Faster Turnaround: Images are available instantly, eliminating the wait time associated with film processing.
  • Improved Record Keeping: Digital images can be easily stored, shared, and accessed, facilitating better communication between healthcare providers.

FAQs About Our X-Ray Services

What should I expect during an X-ray? An X-ray at Afterhours Urgent Care Center is a quick and painless procedure. Depending on the area being examined, you may be asked to sit, stand, or lie down. Our technician will guide you through the process, ensuring your comfort and safety.

How do I prepare for an X-ray? Wear comfortable clothing and avoid metal accessories. You may be asked to change into a gown for certain types of X-rays. No special preparation is required, but informing the technician of any potential pregnancy is crucial.

Is radiation exposure from X-rays safe? Yes, the level of radiation exposure from a digital X-ray is significantly lower than traditional methods and is considered safe for most patients. We take every precaution to minimize exposure and ensure your safety.

Can I access my X-ray results? Yes, digital X-rays offer the advantage of quick access to images. Your results will be explained by our medical professionals, and images can be shared with your primary care provider or specialists as needed.

Visit Afterhours Urgent Care Center for Your X-Ray Needs Whether you’re dealing with a sports injury, a persistent cough, or suspect a fracture, Afterhours Urgent Care Center is here to provide expert care with the convenience and speed you deserve. Walk in today or contact us for more information about our X-ray and other urgent care services.

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Wellness and Prevention:

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